
Saturday, 31 March 2012


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada pembaca blog seriGold..
Harap sihat sejahtera...

Pada kali ini saya akan menulis tentang pelaburan emas yg betul dan skim pelaburan yg menggunakan emas untuk mengaburi fikiran pelabur dengan menjanjikan pulangan secara tetap setiap bulan atau jumlah tertentu dalam masa tertentu.. cth 3% setiap bulan dan sebagainya... dalam kata lain dok nganga je dapat duit tiap2 bulan... tapi akhirnya jd mcm nii....

 harap kita lebih berhati2...

Harga emas ada naik turun nya..
spt ini...

graf harga emas bg tahun 2011..
serta pergerakan harga emas dr 2009 yg mengikut landasan..

Jadi pilihlah pelaburan emas yg betul...
 Serta tambah lah ilmu pelaburan emas diseminar2 yg diadakan di cawangan Public gold berhampiran di tempat anda.

Jamil Bin Mohamad
tel 0124588405


Evidence for Price Manipulation
Critics of the idea of price manipulation might scoff and ask, if gold is manipulated, as you say, then how do you account for the 590% price increase over the past 11 years?
The idea here is that if gold were manipulated or controlled, there's no way it would have 'been allowed" to increase by that much.
In the above chart, we can see that gold has been in a remarkably steady run for the past three years. It is almost as if a ruler has been drawn under the price of gold, which has rarely deviated by much from that trajectory.
Certainly some might argue that this is an extremely poor piece of data in support of the idea that the price of gold has been manipulated, unless we want to argue that it has been manipulated upwards to rise nice and steadily (like air being slowly pumped into a balloon).
A fair point, perhaps, yet it is one that not only completely falls apart, but bolsters the case for price suppression when we examine the price action of gold in the daily vs. the overnight markets.
Note in this next chart that if one simply bought gold and held it only during the open and close of the US daily fix, one would have lost 70% of one’s money during the same period of time that gold rose in price by more than 500%.

As the chart above shows, the performance is dismal. For example, take a hypothetical gold investment fund starting with $100m in 2001, use it to buy gold only at the US AM fix and sell at the US PM fix until the present, and it would now be left with just $31 million, almost a 70% loss in just under ten years. Over the same time period, gold prices have risen over 590%.
Here we might ask a simple question: How is it possible that an asset that rose across all world markets by more than 500% fell during active trading in the most important market of them all (by volume) by 70%?
Trading is a zero-sum game, and for every winner there is a loser. Who was it that lost so much money in the daily markets fighting a tide that lifted the golden boat by more than 500%? How can there be such an uninterrupted series of losses for gold during this period?
There's a trading maxim that goes like this: Once a trend is established, other traders will identify that trend and either ride it or step out of the way. That is, sooner or later the trend stops, because too many people have caught onto it and its profitability gets traded down to zero. Yet selling gold into the daily market has been a sure-fire winner for over an entire decade.
For gold to have fallen so much during the daily market, yet be up overall, simply means that gold must be up strongly in the overnight markets. Indeed, this is the case.
We can easily see the startling difference in the chart below. It compares the results of a simple 'buy and hold' investment in gold over the past ten years vs. a more active (and clever) strategy that both shorts gold during the daily hours and then buys gold long for the overnight session:
This strategy captures both the daily losses and nightly gains into a single, combined monster gain that has returned over 5,000% over the past decade with very few drawdowns, handily beating the price of gold itself by a factor of ten.
Again, how is it possible for a single strategy to be such a reliable winner without being competed away to zero? A very simple explanation is that an entity that does not care about potential losses simply and reliably sells gold into the daily markets.
After a while, the self-reinforcing aspect of this behavior might entice other market participants to join along and sell into the daily markets. However, even if that were the case, in order to be neutral (as all trading eventually has to be) these positions would eventually have to be bought back. And given the fact that gold has risen by more than 500% over this timeframe, there would be no safe time to do this outside of the daily session.
So the question persists: Who has been selling into this market, and how large are their positions? Put more bluntly, how much gold is actually left in Fort Knox? Alternatively, just what exactly is contained within the $180 billion “other assets” line on the Fed balance sheet? Deeply underwater gold futures positions, perhaps?

Jamil Bin Mohamad
PG 009748
tel: 0124588405

Sunday, 25 March 2012


Welcome To Public Safe Sdn. Bhd. (Public Safe)

Private, Convenient, Confidential
We have a state-of-the-art vault system and specially tailored high level of facilities and
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 Combining safety, security and convenience, we are the country's only and leading Safe Deposit Company,
 providing the ultimate in secure safekeeping.
By safeguarding your valuables at Public Safe, you may rest assured that without your key and our key,
 your box can’t be opened. 
We require proper client identification prior to accessing the vault area, 
where an electronic fingerprint scan is administrated, followed by visual verification of our client with 
their photographic identification (in form of their passport or MyKad),
 before access to their box is granted.
Public Safe Sdn Bhd (Public Safe) is great for all your irreplaceable items of value. 
These may be sentimental items, important documents, or simply business documents that you cannot afford to lose.
Our Services
Public Safe Deposit Boxes
Public Safe Deposit Boxes Annual Rental Rates
Box’s Size
Pricing Per
Annum (RM)
Public Gold Dealer
Price Per Annum (RM)
Key Deposit
(corporate box)
Service Charges:
  1. Refundable Deposit RM250.00 per box.
  2. Stamp Duty RM20.00
Another wealth protection project by public gold group

tel 0124588405


Assalamualaikum dan Salam sejahtera bagi peminat setia blog SERIGOLD
Baru-baru ni paper METRO ada keluarkan satu info menarik berkaitan "Tabiat Simpan Emas Orang Vietnam"...

                     Sumber :Harian Metro,18/02/2012
Ok, first saya nak cerita sikit apa yang orang vietnam ni buat sampai masuk paper METRO..bukan senang wooo nak masuk paper..hehehehe..
-TABIAT zaman berzaman orang Vietnam yang suka menyimpasn emas di rumah daripada menyimpan wang di bank dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya oleh Kerajaan negara itu. Semuanya gara-gara harga emas yang terus melambung tinggi.
-Harga emas domestik di Vietnam pula meningkat 18 peratus jauh lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran emas dunia yang menyaksikan kenaikan 11 peratus
-Tindakan penduduk yang ‘menyerbu’ kedai emas membuka mata kerajaan Vietnam apabila mereka berhadapan dengan kadar inflasi sebanyak 18 peratus dan ketidakstabilan mata wang tempatan
kebanyakan penduduk Vietnam lebih suka melihat simpanan mereka dalam bentuk emas. Malah kadar faedah sebanyak 14 peratus yang ditawarkan oleh pihak bank kepada penduduk yang menyimpan dong tidak mampu menarik perhatian mereka apatah lagi ia jauh lebih rendah daripada kos sara hidup yang meningkat 18.6 peratus tahun lalu.
-“Empayar boleh jatuh, mata wang boleh berubah tapi emas akan terus bertahan,” kata pakar sosiologi, Vu Duc Vuong.
Ok..kenapa ini semua berlaku???
 -Emas juga boleh elak kita dari berlaku kecairan wang tunai. Bila dah mula simpan emas, kita akan rasa syg nak jual emas tu, sbb kita beli emas sekarang ni adalah lebih murah dari hrga emas thn hadapan.
-emas ni melindungi duit kita daripada susut nilai…sebagai cth, kalau anda smpan duit RM50 tahun lalu di bank, so duit RM50 tu di tahun 2012 nilai nya dah xjadi macam nilai tahun lepas…sebabnya:

Tahukah anda bahawa pelarian Vietnam pernah membawa emas mereka semasa menjadi pelarian..BUKTINYA??

Kajian Kes: Emas Mampu Membantu Manusia Membina Kehidupan Baru Tak Kira Di Negara Mana Sekali Pun


Gambar di atas menunjukkan pelarian Vietnam yang melarikan diri menaiki bot ketika Perang Vietnam 1955-1975

OK, kisahnya begini …
-Contoh kajian kes ini menunjukkan bagaimana emas boleh membantu seseorang itu memulakan kehidupan baru di mana-mana pun di dunia ini.
-Ketika perang Vietnam sekitar tahun 1970an, beribu-ribu rakyat Vietnam telah melarikan diri akibat daripada peperangan teruk yang melanda negara mereka.
-Mereka telah meninggalkan kampung halaman mereka dengan menjual seluruh harta benda mereka, rumah, tanah, kebun dan ternakan mereka. Kesemuanya telah ditukarkan kepada bentuk emas.
-Emas tersebutlah yang dinamakan sebagai Emas Kim-Thanh (seperti dalam imej).
-Mereka sedar bahawa, emas diterima di seluruh dunia sebagai gantian wang. Bukan seperti wang kertas matawang Vietnam. Sudah tentunya bukan semua orang di negara lain ketika itu akan menerima wang kertas mereka.
-Dengan menyimpan emas, pelarian Vietnam ini boleh memulakan hidup baru mereka dengan mudah di negara-negara persinggahan mereka.


Imej di atas menunjukkan Emas Kim-Thanh yang dibawa oleh pelarian Vietnam tersebut sebagai harta mereka untuk membina hidup baru di negara-negara lain serata dunia.

Oleh sebab itulah, tiada langsung alasan anda sendiri PERLU menyimpan emas bagi memelihara dan menjamin kekayaan yang anda bina selama ini...
Jamil Mohamad 
tel: 0124588405